Shiseido Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protector Lotion SPF 50+ Sunscreen (for Face and Body) + Benefiance Wrinkle Smoothing Eye Cream 2pcs
- Set includes:
- 1x Ultimate Sun Protector Lotion SPF 50+ Sunscreen (for Face and Body) 150ml
- 1x Benefiance Wrinkle Smoothing Eye Cream 15ml
- Ideal for personal use or as a gift
極致滋養護手霜 在保濕的同時幫助補充肌膚 顯著撫平和軟化皮膚紋理 提供最佳保濕效果,防止乾燥 質地輕盈,易於吸收 皮膚科醫生測試
方便,超柔軟的100%棉清潔布 幫助維持皮膚的自然平衡,同時清除雜質,化妝品和油脂。 提供快速簡便的應用程序 令肌膚清潔潔淨。
終極保濕煥發套裝: 1x Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate 30ml/1oz 1x Essential Energy Moisturizing Ge Cream 10ml/0.35oz 1x Ultimune Eye Power Infusing Eye Concentrate 5ml/0.48oz 1x 城市環境無油紫外線保護劑廣譜 SPF 42 防曬防水(40 分鐘) 非常適合個人使用和作為禮物
Defend & Regenerate Power Wrinkle Smoothing Set: 1x Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate N 100ml/3.3oz 1x Benefiance 抗皺緊緻霜 50ml/1.7oz 非常適合個人使用和作為禮物
方便、便攜且具有多重保護功能的棒 質地輕盈透明,適用於任何膚色,舒適且隱形 順利進行,沒有粘性或手上的混亂 採用獨家 SynchroShield™ 開發,可對熱、水或汗水作出反應,以加強皮膚上的紫外線防護面紗 提供對 UVA/UVB 射線和乾燥的無縫防禦 由超過50%的護膚配方成分組成 獨特的配方與汗水相得益彰,營造出微妙宜人的香味 體積小巧,即使是最小的袋子也能輕鬆存放 為皮膚提供直接、免提的應用 底妝和底妝都可以用
男士二合一洗面奶 形成豐富細膩的泡沫,有效去除污垢、油污和碎屑 含有清潔成分AMT,可在洗滌過程中和洗滌後保持皮膚所需的水分 也可用作剃須膏 令肌膚潔淨、清爽、充滿活力
Defend & Regenerate Power 保濕套裝: 1x Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate N 100ml/3.3oz 1x 精華能量保濕霜 50ml/1.7oz Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate N: 革命性的抗衰老面部濃縮液 含有獨家的 Ultimune Complex,可增強皮膚的防禦功能,顯著減少皺紋和細紋的出現 皮膚看起來更緊緻、更柔軟、更光滑、更明亮、更有彈性和更年輕 使用方法:早晚塗抹於潔面和爽膚後的面部,然後使用保濕霜 精華能量保濕霜: 尖端絲滑質地的面部保濕霜 具有輕盈、清新、不油膩的凝膠霜質地 採用受神經科學啟發的 ReNeura Technology™ 開發 重新喚醒皮膚的傳感器以更好地檢測和傳輸信號 含有柑橘雲舒果皮提取物,以支持皮膚的內部水分生成能力 注入明日葉,一種富含維生素的植物,具有強大的再生特性,展現更光滑、更容光煥發和更健康的膚色 非粉刺,皮膚科醫生測試,不含防腐劑和礦物油 非常適合個人使用和作為禮物
Ultimune Power & Revitalizing 套裝: 1x Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate(ImuGenerationRED 技術)100ml/3.3oz 1x Eudermine 活膚精華 200ml/6.7oz 非常適合個人使用和作為禮物
不粘、快乾和多任務 BB 保護器 防汗、防水和防轉移配方涼爽且易於使用 採用速乾技術,可快速擦乾汗水和水分,延長妝容一整天 由 SuperVeil UV360™ 提供支持,幫助配方緊密均勻地塗抹在皮膚的輪廓和皺紋上 使用 WetForce 技術,使保護膜在接觸水或汗水時變得更堅固 用 ProfenseCL 強化,防止造成皺紋形成和膚色不均的損傷 SPF 50+ 保護皮膚免受 UVA 和 UVB 射線的傷害 提供中等覆蓋率和出色的混合性 打造自然、健康、輪廓分明的外觀和美麗的妝容 適合所有皮膚類型 皮膚科醫生測試,眼科醫生測試和非粉刺
具有護膚配方的強效高防護防曬霜 輕盈、舒適且非常防水的配方在任何皮膚類型上均不可見 由新的資生堂保護技術 SynchroShield™ 提供支持,將 Heatforce 技術與 Wetforce 技術相結合 當皮膚變熱和暴露於水或汗水時,使面紗更牢固 使用 Profense CEL™ 增強保護皮膚免受紫外線的影響,例如由光老化引起的皺紋、黑斑和暗沉的出現 含有 NatureSurge 複合物,可保護皮膚免受氧化 使用 SuperVeil-UV 360™ 技術在整個應用領域形成一層均勻、高度保護的面紗 富含護膚成分,可防止因光老化引起的細紋、皺紋和膚色不均 用個性化的香味令肌膚光滑滋潤
一款高性能長效男士抗衰老面霜 質地不粘膩,可快速溶解並提供 48 小時保濕 採用米糠技術配方,幫助改善五種衰老問題,包括皺紋、下垂、暗沉、粗糙和失去緊緻度 含有木糖醇以增強皮膚水分和屏障功能 注入玉米花提取物,有助於增強皮膚的修復能力 肌膚變得更緊緻、更光滑、更明亮、更有活力 適合中性至乾性皮膚類型 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯和礦物油 皮膚科醫生測試和非粉刺
一款保濕、強韌和修護髮膜,適用於乾燥、受損和染過/燙過的頭髮 瞬間融入每一根髮絲,毫無油膩感 含有蜂王漿 EX、PCA(對氯苯丙胺)和 Lipidure EX,可滋養和調理頭髮 蘊含七種精華,鎖住水分,防止破損,保持色澤持久 保護頭髮免受天氣變化和有害紫外線的傷害 令秀發如絲般順滑、閃亮、健康
高效護手霜 配方含尿素,提供持久保濕 與木糖醇混合,具有保濕功效 注入維生素E以防止皮膚乾燥 通過輕柔的按摩促進血液循環和成分的吸收 明顯減少細紋和脫皮現象 保持雙手柔軟、光滑和水潤
注入維生素 C 的清涼眼部凝膠 質地輕盈,迅速被肌膚吸收,不會有粘膩感 配方中93%的成分來自天然 來自高知縣的柚子提取物和日本柑橘有助於補充和保持皮膚水分 維生素 C 和維生素 E 明顯提亮和提升皮膚的透明度 楊桃提取物針對眼部浮腫 Yuzu-C Glow Powder 反射光線,打造光彩照人的妝容 明顯減少黑眼圈 提供 12 小時的持續補水 展現清醒、充滿活力和更明亮的雙眼 素食主義者,無殘忍和無香料 經皮膚科醫生測試、眼科醫生測試且不會引起粉刺
一種雙相油精華,可針對暗沉並防止早期衰老跡象 具有清爽、快速吸收的質地 由 98% 的天然成分配製而成 來自高知縣的柚子提取物和日本柑橘有助於補充和保持皮膚水分 超級食用油混合物(葡萄籽油、玫瑰果油、葵花籽油)有助於滋潤和軟化皮膚,使皮膚煥發自然光澤 維生素 C 複合物(維生素 C 乙基 + 油溶性維生素 C)提供抗氧化支持,顯著提亮肌膚並防止早期衰老跡象 多功能配方可用於整個面部或目標區域,可在保濕霜之前使用或代替保濕霜 展現更容光煥發、更均勻的膚色 素食主義者,無殘忍和無香料 經皮膚科醫生測試且不會引起粉刺
保濕和活化面部乳液 質地清新水潤 蘊含革命性藥劑VP8,改善各種明顯老化跡象 促進皮膚更新,同時提供持久的水分 令肌膚柔軟、光滑、清透、豐盈和年輕 經皮膚科醫生測試
A high-performance sunscreen with a delightful texture Infused with Shiseido’s WetForce & HeatForce Technology Provides SPF 50+ protection, strengthened by heat & water Delivers peak protection that goes on clear & rubs in quickly Water & sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes Suitable for face & body, leaving no residue Free of oxybenzone & octinoxate, non-comedogenic
A floral fruity woody fragrance for women Inspired by the noble & powerful Murasaki purple, symbolizing refinement & elegance in Japanese culture Luminous, vibrant, fresh, sophisticated & enchanting Top Notes are Fuji Apple, Violet & Pomegranate Middle Notes are Freesia, Jasmine & Wisteria Base Notes are Cashmere Wood, Sandalwood & Patchouli Launched in 2022 Ideal for all seasons, perfect for both day & evening wear
A floral fruity woody fragrance for women Inspired by the noble & powerful Murasaki purple, symbolizing refinement & elegance in Japanese culture Luminous, vibrant, fresh, sophisticated & enchanting Top Notes are Fuji Apple, Violet & Pomegranate Middle Notes are Freesia, Jasmine & Wisteria Base Notes are Cashmere Wood, Sandalwood & Patchouli Launched in 2022 Ideal for all seasons, perfect for both day & evening wear
A floral fruity woody fragrance for women Inspired by the noble & powerful Murasaki purple, symbolizing refinement & elegance in Japanese culture Luminous, vibrant, fresh, sophisticated & enchanting Top Notes are Fuji Apple, Violet & Pomegranate Middle Notes are Freesia, Jasmine & Wisteria Base Notes are Cashmere Wood, Sandalwood & Patchouli Launched in 2022 Ideal for all seasons, perfect for both day & evening wear
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp treatment Hydrates the scalp while making hair strong & resilient from the roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp treatment Hydrates the scalp while making hair strong & resilient from the roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp treatment Hydrates the scalp while making hair strong & resilient from the roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair mask Penetrates into the hair shaft & repairs damage intensively, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair mask Penetrates into the hair shaft & repairs damage intensively, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp serum Addresses the deep layers of the scalp for beautiful hair The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A shampoo that quenches hair’s thirst & revives its beauty Removes impurities to leave hair richly hydrated, while suppressing the outflow of ingredients from inside the hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A shampoo that quenches hair’s thirst & revives its beauty Removes impurities to leave hair richly hydrated, while suppressing the outflow of ingredients from inside the hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A shampoo that quenches hair’s thirst & revives its beauty Removes impurities to leave hair richly hydrated, while suppressing the outflow of ingredients from inside the hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for weak & damaged hair Makes hair smooth & strong from the core, while reforming the cross-sectional shape of hair weakened by damage The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for weak & damaged hair Makes hair smooth & strong from the core, while reforming the cross-sectional shape of hair weakened by damage The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for weak & damaged hair Makes hair smooth & strong from the core, while reforming the cross-sectional shape of hair weakened by damage The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for dry & damaged hair Adds moisture while reforming the cross-sectional shape of dry hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear smooth, supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for dry & damaged hair Adds moisture while reforming the cross-sectional shape of dry hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear smooth, supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A hair mask that quenches hair’s thirst & revives it’s beauty Protects & prolongs your salon moisturizing treatment, with deeply hydrating care The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Let you experience fresh-from-the-salon-beautiful hair, every single day Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A hair mask that quenches hair’s thirst & revives it’s beauty Protects & prolongs your salon moisturizing treatment, with deeply hydrating care The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Let you experience fresh-from-the-salon-beautiful hair, every single day Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
An intensive moisturizing velvet hair oil Replenishes hair with moisture for a texture that is smooth to the ends, while protecting hair from external stressors during the day The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
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